Thursday, 14 June 2012

Molasses - Why is it good for you? (And how to eat it too)

First, let's start off with the boring scientific stuff that lets you know why sticky, sweet, gooey Molasses is so good for you. I always keep it handy in all of our cooking at home and it's excellent when making desserts (including my favourite sweet potato soup, we use molasses instead of gula melaka). Always choose organic, even when it is a power food as harmful chemicals are sometimes used in the making process. Then later, we'll show you why and how you should eat it!

Facts about molasses:
  • Most are made from young sugar cane. Some are made from sugar beet.
  • There are three grades:
    • First molasses - Mild or Barbados
    • Second molasses - Dark
    • Blackstrap - this you should take! High in calcium, magnesium, potassium and IRON. Excellent for the ladies
  • The process of making it is just by boiling the sugar cane juice until concentrated. 
  • Second molasses has less sugar and a little bit bitter, because some of the sugar content has been removed from the mixture. It is also good for you - vitamins and minerals.
  • Blackstrap molasses has the lowest calorie as most of the sucrose (sugar) content has been removed. It's used as a health supplement and is a power food - one tablespoon provides up to 20% of your daily mineral needs! It's fragrant but not so sweet.
If you've ever tasted it, it might remind you of caramel. Caramel is also made from boiling sugar at high temperatures for some time, and it's pretty much the same way they make molasses. The point is.... Molasses taste so good! If you love caramel, then you would probably like this.

Okay now for the interesting part:
How and Why you should eat Molasses!

Molasses in cookies 

Marble Molasses Cake 

Molasses Spice Cookies 

Apple Molasses

Molasses Squares

If you're not vegetarian...

Bourbon Molasses Chicken

Molasses Bacon Shrimp

And my favourite way to use molasses....

Dark Roasted Organic Coffee

Now go find your favourite way to add this wonderful ingredient to your everyday cooking!

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